Header: The first line is copied from the first line of Input.txt Date: The date the analysis was done. LOCATIONS: The number of camera locations analyzed followed by the name of each location analyzed. Location names match the location folder names. SPECIES: The number of species analyed followed by the name of each species. Species names match the species folder names. This file contained ... The total number of picture files read from the AllPictures.txt file. Number of lines used in analysis ... The total number of pictue files that will be analyzed according to the locations, their start-stop dates, and the species to be analyzed. Reject file has ... A list of all jpg files not analyzed. Use maximum number of individuals photographed in sequential pictures ... For all calculations involving abundance use the maxmium number individuals in a single picture. Assume independent pictures of a species at a site after ... Period is input by the user. Period, usually 30 or 60 minutes, is used to determine independent pictures. At a location an independent picture of a species is recorded following some number of minutes (the period) after the previous picture of the species at the same location. Independent pictures of a species at a location are at least period minutes apart. For all species at all locations Number of pictures processed ... The total number of jpg files processed Number of pictures used in activity calculation ... The total number of pictures used to calcluate a species' activity pattern. Number of independent pictures used in analysis ... The total number of independent pictures (this depends on the period entered by the user). Number of sequential pictures of same species at same location within a PERIOD ... The total number of all sequential pcitures of all species at all locations. This also depends on the period entered by the user. Number of days in camera trap program ... The total number of days during which camera traps were run. First picture: Year, Month, Day ... The year, month, and day the first picture was recorded. Last picture: Year, Month, Day ... The year, month, and day the last picture was recorded. FIRST PICTURE OF EACH SPECIES ... For each species to be analyzed, the day of the study, and the year, month, day, hour, minute, and location where the species was first recorded. LAST PICTURE OF EACH SPECIES ... For each species to be analyzed, the day of the study, and the year, month, day, hour, minute, and location where the species was last recorded. SPECIES INCLUDED BUT NOT PHOTOGRAPHED OR ALL REJECTED ... A list of species taken from species' folder names that were not recorded, or were not included in the analysis, and so were rejected (see Reject.txt file). SPECIES ACCUMULATION CURVE ... The day of the study that a new species was recorded, the total number of new species records, and the name of the species that was (were) recorded. NUMBER OF PICTURES AND FILTERED PICTURES PER YEAR ...For each year the total number of pictures of all species (All), the number of pictures that are used to calculate the activity pattern (Activity), the number of independent pictures (Period), and the total number of individuals in all the independent pitures (Abundance). This is followed by the total (Total) for all years. NUMBER OF PICTURES BY SPECIES BY YEAR ... For each species to be analyzed and for each year, the total number of pictures (All), the number of pictures that are used to calculate the activity pattern (Activity), the number of independent pictures (Period), the total number of individuals in all the independent pitures (Abundance), and the number of locations where the species was recorded (Sites). This is followed by the total (Total) for all years. SPECIES RANKED BY NUMBER OF INDEPENTDENT PICTURES AND PERCENT OF TOTAL ... A list of the number of independent pictures of each species ranked by total from most to least, and the percent of the total number of all independent pictures. The total number of indepdenent pictures is given. CAMERA TRAP DAYS ... A list of all locations (Location) to be analyzed that includes the state and stop date, the total number of days each location was run (Duration), the date of the first picture recorded at the location (First pic), and the species recorded. This is followed by the total number of Camera trap days (Duration). CAMERA TRAP EFFORT ... For each year, and for each location, and for each month, the number of camera traps days, and the total number of camera trap days for all months. This is followed by Total days this is the total of all camera trap days from all locations for each month. The total number of camera traps days for the year is given. The Summary for all years, for all locations, for all months, and for all years is also given. FOR EACH LOCATION TOTAL NUMBER AND PERCENT OF EACH SPECIES ... A species-location table showing the total number of independent pictures, and percent of the total for each location for each species analyzed. The total number of independent pictures for all species is given for each location. FOR EACH LOCATION AND MONTH TOTAL NUMBER EACH SPECIES ... For each year, for each location, a species-month table shows the number of independent records for each species. For each location and species the total number of independent records for all months is given in the last column (Total). The total number of pictures (Total picturees), the total number of camera trap days (Total effort), and total nuber of independent pictures (TotL) normalized by the total number of camera trap days for each month (Total/(Total effort)) is given. This is followed by a summary for all years. DISTANCE (km) BETWEEN LOCATIONS ...The Minimum distance and also Maximum distance between any two locations is given. The Average distance between all locations is also given. This is folowed by a table showing all distances of all locations analyzed. Distances are in km. ACTIVITY PATTERNS ... For each species daily activity patterns are given for all species by one hour segments. The species is listed and in parentheses (the number of reords used in the activity calculation / the total number of records some of which might be sequentil). The first column, labeled Hour, shows the hour segments starting and ending at midnight. Activity pattern is given by the number of records collected from all locations analyzed for all years, and in frequency for all years and months, and for all years and each month (since activity can vary by month). The total number of records for all years that was used is also given. The number of records matches the number of pictures listed under NUMBER OF PICTURES AND FILTERED PICTURES PER YEAR above. SPECIES PAIRS ACTIVITY SIMILARITY (LOWER IS MORE SIMILAR) ... A table showing the similarity comparison of activity patterns using hourly frequency is given. The number in the table shows the squart root of the sum of the squared differencs by hour for each species pair. Freqency is used because the number of records used to calcluate activity patterns generally differs for each species. If a pair of species has similar activity patterns then the value in the table will be low. If two species have very different activity patterns, one being diurnal, the other nocturnal for instance, the value in the table will be high. SPECIES PAIR MOST SIMILAR IN ACTIVITY (FREQUENCY) ... The species pair that has the most similar activity pattern is compared. Only those species with 25 or more pictures are used. CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS OF PAIRED ACTIVITY PATTERNS ... Using the Ch-squared statistic activity patterns of paired species are analyzed and results presented in species x species table. The null hypothesis H0: Species A and B have similar activity patterns at 95% is tested. If the pattern is significantly similar then a "+" is entered for A x B, otherwise the pattern is not significcantly similar and is indicated by a"0" in the table. Only those species that have 25 or more records are considered. LUNAR ACTIVITY PATTERN ... For all species the activity pattern for 11 days centered around a Full moon and Na ew moon is given. The table shows the hour of the day,the number of records,and the frequency of total records for both a New moon and a Full moon. The moon completes one orbit around earth each 29.55 days. The Difference is the square root of the sum of the squared differences in frequency. The greater the difference, the more a species is active during one phase of the moon compared to the other phase. Note that birds are likely more active during a Full moon than a New moon, and nocturnal rodents might show the opposite pattern. SPECIES LUNAR ACTIVITY MOST DIFFERENT: ... The species whose lunar activity pattern is most different is given. ACTIVITY PATTERNS BY SEASON ... Using Northern hemisphere seasons of winter (Dec-Jan-Feb), spring (Mar-Apr-May), summer (Jun-Jul-Aug), and fall (Sep-Oct-Nov) activity patterns for each species are presented in a table. The table shows the number of records used in the actvity calculation and the frequency for each sason. To compare the seasonal activity patterns requires knowning the number of independent pictures recorded in each season normalied by the number of camera trap days (Pictures/Effort) for the season, and the proportion of the number of records divided by the total number of records for the all four seasons (Visitation proportion). That is, Visitation proportion is computed by summing Picture/Effort for all seasons, then dividing each season by the sum. This gives the proportion of records (based on indepdenent pictures, not the number of pictures used to create activity). Note that more records likely result from greater effort, hence the number of records must be normalizedby effort. The total number of records for each season is given. SPECIES ABUNDANCE ... For each species (SPECIES) a list of the number of independent pictures (NUMBER PICS), proportion of the total number of all independent pictures (PROPORTION), the average number of individuals in each picture (AVG NUM INDIVS), and the proportion of the total number of individuals for that species divided by the total number of all individuals (PROPORTION). The total number of all independent pictures (Total) is given in the last line. LOCATIONS BY SPECIES AND LOCATION AND SPECIES RICHNESS ... A table of locations vs. species showing the number of pictures of each species recorded at the location. The last column shows the number of species recorded at the location (Rich), and the last row shows total number of loations a species was recorded at (Richness) LOCATION SPECIES FREQUENCY SIMILARITY (LOWER IS MORE SIMILAR) ... The 10 most similar locations where similarity is based on the frequency of number of independent pictures of each species recorded. Paired locations are given. The last column shows 10 times the squart toot of the sum of the squared frequency differences. Lower scores represent more similar species frequency composition. Also given are the top 10 most different locations. Higher scores represent greater differences. This is followed by a table showing all the scores for each paired of locations. LOCATION-SPECIES COMPOSITION SIMILARITY (Jaccard Similarity Index) ... Each location has a species composition. Pairs of locations have the no species in common, some species incommon, or all species in common. The Jaccard Similarity Index (JSI) is a similarity index. Shown are the top 10 locations with the most similar list of spcies. Given are the names of the locations, their JSI index (JSI), and the number of species recorded at each location (N1 N2) and the number of species in common (N1&N2). Also given is a list of the top 10 most different locations that have fewer species in common. A table of JSI scores comparing all locations is also given. Locations with no specis in common have JSI = 0.0. If both locations share the same species JSI = 1.000. SPECIES BY LOCATION WITH UTM AND ELEVATION ... For each species a list of locations where the species was recorded, and the UTM and elevation of the location. SPECIES OVERLAP AT LOCATIONS ... A species x species table. Each row has the species name followed by the number of locations in () where the species was recored, then the number and in () the percent of locations where it was recorded with the species in the column. CHI-SQUARE ANALYSIS OF PAIRED SITES SPECIES FREQUENCIES ... A table of location x location showing the results of a chi-square test of species frequencies at each pair of locations. The null hypothesis H0: Species frequencies are independent of location is tested. If two locations have similar species frequencies then the H0 is rejected and an "R" is shown in the table. Otherwise a "-" shows the locations have independent species frequencies. PICTURES FOR EACH LOCATION BY MONTH AND YEAR ... For each year and for each month a table of the number of independent pictures per month for each location. The last column shows the Total number of independent pictures at a location for all months. Total pictures for each month and then year is also given. For all locations Total days is the number of camera trap datys (or effort) for each month, withthe total of all months in the last column. The last row, Pictures/day, is Total pictures normalized (divided) by total effort for each month, and for all 12 months. This is followed by a summary for all years: PICTURES FOR EACH LOCATION BY MONTH AND YEAR. SPECIES AND SPECIES RICHNESS BY YEAR AND MONTH ...For each year a table of species records for each month, and the total number of each species for the year. For all speies, for each month Total pictures, Total days (effort), 10*(number of pictures divived by total effort), and species richness is given. A summary for all years is given in the table SPECIES ALL YEARS BY MONTH. NAIVE OCCUPANCY ... The list of species analyzed, and for each species the Fraction of locations Occupied calculated by computing the number of locations occipied by the species divided by the total number of location shown in (). For each species the Number of locations Occupied is also given. The Fraction of locations Occupied is referred to as Naive occupancy or Naive proportion of locations occupied.The list is presnted from the greatest porportion of locations occupied to least locations occupied. AREA COVERED BY CAMERA TRAPS ... The area contained in the convex polygon formed by the outer-most locations listed. Also given are the UTM locations of the locations. This is followed by the Area contained in the convex polygon given in kilometers^2 and miles^2. ELAPSED TIME ... The time in seconds it takes to process the AllPictures.txt file, and analyze the locations and species listed in the Input.txt file. This includes the time taken by the user to enter the period.