Wildlife species all around the world face a variety of threats, including from illegal hunting, or poaching. Poaching can be incentivized by a variety of factors, including to obtain trophies, captur...Read More
When I discovered I had been accepted into the University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) for the summer of 2019, I was very excited. UBRP is a program in which undergradu...Read More
Many undergraduates, once they enter their sophomore or junior year, start working in a professor’s lab as Many undergraduates, once they enter their sophomore or junior year, start working in a pro...Read More
Yet another enjoyable class that I took at the University of Arizona was a Wildlife Conservation Behavior course (WFSC 447). This refers to the application of knowledge of animal behavior to solve con...Read More
One of my favorite classes that I took in my undergrad was ECOL 485: Mammalogy (fall 2018). Considering I’ve always wanted to work with mammals, particularly big cats, the class helped set a strong ...Read More
There were two trips that were offered in my high school advanced biology course in the spring of 2016. One was an optional, two-day long whale watching trip in January, while the other to Catalina Is...Read More