Wildlife species all around the world face a variety of threats, including from illegal hunting, or poaching. Poaching can be incentivized by a variety of factors, including to obtain trophies, captur...Read More
My thesis research for my Master’s degree entailed two chapters, the two abstracts of which are attached below in addition to the abstract for the entire thesis as a whole. Because I started my ...Read More
One of the most useful courses I took in graduate school was “Statistical Modeling in R” (EFB 796). Because there is such a wide array of analysis techniques available to scientists for an...Read More
One of the most unique classes I took in graduate school, taught by a PhD student, was called “Machine Learning Concepts and Applications” (FOR 796). Machine learning refers to the process...Read More
When I discovered I had been accepted into the University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) for the summer of 2019, I was very excited. UBRP is a program in which undergradu...Read More